Creative Director + Graphic Designer
Next Up Display

Display Design

Next Up Display

Next Up Display

Designed as the main experiential component of a capitol campaign to fund campus expansion, donors are be able to gauge progress as the circle is completed.

Water Is Basic Display

Water Is Basic Display

Water is Basic is a nonprofit organization engaged in South Sudan training and equipping nationals to drill water wells brining hope and clean water. This display tells the story of this organization and tracks the ever increasing new well locations.

Staff Values Wallcovering

Staff Values Wallcovering

A fun reminder in the staff lounge at Irving Bible Church of the values the staff aspire to embody.

Journey On Bridge

Journey On Bridge

The centerpiece of this experiential display is a bridge wherein each board represents 1% of a $9 Million goal to retire the debt owed on Irving Bible Church’s building addition. As the debt is retired, the bridge grows to completion.
